- Performance Task
- Created by Defined Learning
- 27 Student Check-ins
- 5 Products
As a new designer with a background in aquatic habitats, you want to win over the design and production team of the hottest new interior design firm in the northeast United States. They want to hire someone who will add creativity and innovation to their production and design team. In order to be hired, you will have to create a model of a unique aquarium that can be maintained in a residential home or a commercial facility. You will also need to estimate the cost to create the full-size tank. You will also be asked to create various aquarium designs for which a specific volume has been requested by the consumers.
Driving Question
- What does an aquarium designer do?
- How does an aquarium designer have to use knowledge about animals and their habitats to build a successful aquarium?
- What math skills are needed in order to design and build an aquarium?
Big Idea
Geometric relationships can be described, analyzed, and classified based on spatial reasoning and/or visualization.
Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new innovations and inventions.
A technological world requires that people develop capabilities in order to solve technological challenges and to improve products for the way we live.
Essential Questions
- How can we use 2-D and 3-D shapes and attributes to describe real world situations and solve problems?
- How are spatial relationships, including shape and dimension, used to draw, construct, model, and represent real situations or solve problems?
- How would you apply technological design and problem-solving methods to the development of inventions and innovations?
You are interviewing for a position at a new interior design firm. There has been an increase in requests for specialized home aquariums and the firm wants to hire more designers to meet this need. Your goal is to design and present your best, most creative aquarium design. The firm is very proud of its reputation for providing great products at good prices through a design process that precisely meets the needs of its clients.
You have just graduated from college with a degree in interior design. You are looking for a job that is creative and innovative while challenging your skills. You have background experience as an aquatic assistant specializing in exotic aquarium pets. As a result, you have a strong understanding of, and an interest in, aquatic life.
You will be presenting to the design and production team for the design firm. They are looking to hire people who can show innovative and creative ideas related to aquarium design. They will also need to see that you can use math and science concepts to create products that meet customer needs at a good price.
As a new designer with a background in aquatic habitats, you will need to win over the design and production team of the hottest new interior design firm in the northeast United States. In order to be hired, you will have to create a model of a unique aquarium that can be maintained in a residential home or a commercial facility. You will also need to provide an estimate of the cost to create the full-size tank. Additionally, you will be asked to create alternate aquarium designs with the same volume as your model. As you design the aquariums, consider the cost of the materials you will need to build them.
- Simulation: Aquarium Designer
*Please note the above simulation is not compatible with tablets or other mobile devices.
Cost Analysis
Your team will need to decide what materials you will need to create your aquarium and what you will need to buy to put inside. Research different types of fish and the items you will need inslide to make their ecosystem perfect for the fish. What types of food will you buy? Will you need a heater/cooler or a light for the fish tank? What kind of filter will you use?
Once you have decided, create a chart or spreadsheet of all of the different items you will need for your aquarium. Research the price for each and list it in the chart. Determine how many of the materials and fish you will need to buy and the price of each as well as your total aquarium cost. Be sure that your chart is neat and clear to make it easy to read.
- Aquarium Designer: Cost Analysis
- Product Video Example: Cost Analysis
Two Dimensional Drawing With Narrative Description
Design at least 3 different aquariums to be presented to the team. Each design should be developed by providing a scale drawing of the tank labeled with all dimensions (height, length, width, volume) as well as a paragraph explaining the unique features of the tank and how the volume of the tank was determined.
Develop a two to three minute oral presentation that may include the use of technologies such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or any other technology you wish to use. This presentation should include the sample design and the volume of the aquarium. Describe the type of habitat and fish that could be contained within the aquarium design.
Keep in mind that the audience for this presentation is the design team and your chances of getting the job depend on your performance. This is a persuasive presentation so be sure to include how your design will minimize stress on the fish in the aquarium.
Create a slide show using technology to display a variety of aquariums from around the world. Research the sizes of these aquariums and present through captions the dimensions of each and the potential volume of water that each could hold. For each aquarium, provide an example of a fish and a plant that could live in each aquarium. Include the amount of room they would need to live adequately and grow and how they would meet their basic needs.
Prototype Environment
Create an innovative aquatic environment. This environment should be built based upon a specific volume for your aquarium.
This project could be completed by your entire team. Be sure to create an environment in which the living creatures can survive and thrive. You will need to consider the needs of the fish and other organisms as you design your aquatic habitat. Think about how the fish will be fed and the tank will be cleaned. What other concerns do you need to consider in the development of the aquatic environment?
Defined Learning Videos
Runtime: 1:30
Runtime: 5:34
Runtime: 2:29
Defined Learning Resources
Aquarium In The Mall
Constructed Response
The Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo is a large fish tank in the Dubai Mall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This large aquarium holds thousands of fish and other sea life for visitors and residents to view. The aquarium is located on the ground level of the mall. If you want to get closer to the sharks you can pay to walk through a tunnel that takes you through the tank. The 48-meter tunnel provides great views from below the surface of the tank.
Mean Aquarium Fish?
Constructed Response
Many people love fish. Fish can be food for some people and a sport for others. Some fish are used for decoration. Some fish are loved pets. Some fish may even become hobbies for people.
Mean Aquarium Fish?
Constructed Response
People have very close relationships with a variety of fishes. They provide food and sport for many people. Some fish are used for decoration. Some fish are loved pets or may even become hobbies for people.
Aquarium In The Mall
Constructed Response
The Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo is a large fish tank in the Dubai Mall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This 10-million liter aquarium holds thousands of fish and other underwater life for visitors and residents to view. The aquarium is located on the ground level of the mall. If you want to get closer to the sharks you can pay to walk through a tunnel that takes you through the tank.
What fish and habitat materials will go inside your aquarium?
What kind of design will you use for your aquarium?
What materials will you use to build your design?
Cost Analysis
What is the total cost of all the items needed for an aquarium?
What fish and habitat materials will go inside your aquarium?
What materials are needed to design an aquarium?
Prototype Environment
What types of fish can thrive and stay healthy in your aquarium and why?
What materials will you use for your design?
What do fish need in a habitat?
Two Dimensional Drawing With Narrative Description
What are some typical aquarium designs? Are there any particular shapes or sizes?
What other math will you need to do in order to create your best design?
What dimensions and volume will your aquarium be?
What kinds of fish are the best for each kind of aquarium and why?
What kinds of aquariums are used around the world?
What are the dimensions and volume for the aquariums?
Process Video
Design Process
Brainstorm Ideas
It's time to think about product development. You will begin with ideation, which is the start of the creative process. During the ideation phase, you will brainstorm with your group about all the potential ways you could approach this product. Remember, the more creative and innovative your ideas are at this stage, the better! Your group will need to check and make sure that each of your initial ideas are meeting the requirements related to the goal, audience and product description. What are the directions or criteria that need to be followed? Who is your audience and what will they need from this product?
Analyze & Decide
As you discuss the possibilities during your brainstorming, you will narrow the ideas down to those that seem like they would best solve the problem or address the challenge. Once you have narrowed down to two or three ideas, grab some paper and a pencil and make an outline or sketch a plan for each one. What will the product need to include? How will you best use the information that you found in your research to create it? What would the product look like based upon each idea?
After outlining your product ideas. Discuss with your group and decide on ONE that you would like to move forward with. When you have selected one idea, you will move on to the creation phase, keeping in mind that you may go through several rounds of creation and revision before you are ready to present.
Create & Revise
It is possible that while you are creating the first version of your product, you will develop more questions that need to be answered before you can continue. If so, you may need to do additional research. Reflect on how any new information affects your product and make revisions as needed.
Your group should also be looking at the rubric during the creation phase. Here, you can practice thinking critically and collaborating with your peers to understand what needs to be included in your product. Then, you should reflect on whether or not your initial work meets those criteria. If you realize that it does not, you may need to go back and make additional revisions.
As you work through the process of creating and revising your product, communication with your teacher and classmates will be very valuable. Asking for help and discussing your product with others can help you clarify whether or not your product meets the goal of the task and is appropriate for the audience.
Remember, creating this product is a fun opportunity to apply what you have learned about important topics in a more creative and independent way.
Brainstorming: Based on your group's analysis of the research, brainstorm potential solutions, designs, and recommendations
Enter your brainstorming ideas below.
Analyze/Decide: Based on your group's brainstorming - decide on the best ways to move forward and create a product that meets the needs of the target audience and addresses the goal of the task.
Write below what you or your team have decided to create.
Cost Analysis
Your team will need to decide what materials you will need to create your aquarium and what you will need to buy to put inside. Research different types of fish and the items you will need inslide to make their ecosystem perfect for the fish. What types of food will you buy? Will you need a heater/cooler or a light for the fish tank? What kind of filter will you use?
Once you have decided, create a chart or spreadsheet of all of the different items you will need for your aquarium. Research the price for each and list it in the chart. Determine how many of the materials and fish you will need to buy and the price of each as well as your total aquarium cost. Be sure that your chart is neat and clear to make it easy to read.
Two Dimensional Drawing With Narrative Description
Design at least 3 different aquariums to be presented to the team. Each design should be developed by providing a scale drawing of the tank labeled with all dimensions (height, length, width, volume) as well as a paragraph explaining the unique features of the tank and how the volume of the tank was determined.
Develop a two to three minute oral presentation that may include the use of technologies such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or any other technology you wish to use. This presentation should include the sample design and the volume of the aquarium. Describe the type of habitat and fish that could be contained within the aquarium design.
Keep in mind that the audience for this presentation is the design team and your chances of getting the job depend on your performance. This is a persuasive presentation so be sure to include how your design will minimize stress on the fish in the aquarium.
Create a slide show using technology to display a variety of aquariums from around the world. Research the sizes of these aquariums and present through captions the dimensions of each and the potential volume of water that each could hold. For each aquarium, provide an example of a fish and a plant that could live in each aquarium. Include the amount of room they would need to live adequately and grow and how they would meet their basic needs.
Prototype Environment
Create an innovative aquatic environment. This environment should be built based upon a specific volume for your aquarium.
This project could be completed by your entire team. Be sure to create an environment in which the living creatures can survive and thrive. You will need to consider the needs of the fish and other organisms as you design your aquatic habitat. Think about how the fish will be fed and the tank will be cleaned. What other concerns do you need to consider in the development of the aquatic environment?
This is the end of the project. Be sure all check-ins and products are completed!
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